Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Kiss By Noreno Changes The Hair Game Completely

There are a lot of different companies that you can purchase hair from, but you’ll find that the quality is definitely not that great. There are few companies out there today that are really working with 100% virgin hair, and it’s starting to show in a lot of different arenas. If you want to move forward with only the best possible hair, you’re going to want to find a brand that can definitely provide that, and without breaking the bank. That being said, you’ll want to look into a company called Kiss By Noreno or KBN.

The Purity of KBN

When you are talking about hair extensions, or hair of any type, you will want to look for quality. This can be a defining term that is a bit convoluted overall. Many people throw around the word as if the consumer was dumb or didn’t know what that really means. The way KBN has changed that notion, is by only allowing 100% virgin hair to be distributed by them. That’s 100% real hair, and 100% virgin with natural color not dyed, or synthetic formulas. That means that you will have real purity and something that you can feel, see, and work with in the salon or at home.

The Proof Is In The Product

It’s easy to wax poetic about how Kiss By Noreno is grand, but if the product isn’t that good, you’ll hear about it, read about it, and see it for yourself. It’s for that reason that you should test out some of this for yourself. Get a few strands, and see why this company is making moves in an industry that can sometimes sell you short. You will not be relegated to just one option either, KBN offers 100% Virgin Brazilian, Malaysian, Peruvian, Eurasian, Indian, and Cambodian Hair, and guarantees it. You will not get this from your average beauty supply, as the company focuses on 100% purity ratings and levels. If it is not pure, they don’t sell it.

Get It For Less

Buying from a new company can be difficult, especially if you’re not familiar with their products. It’s with that in mind that you can actually test KBN and see why so many are moving towards getting more of their products. When you shop with them, and use the promo code “trina”, you will receive a discount on your order. It’s that simple. There’s no reason you shouldn’t be getting “Kissed ByNoreno” at this point, as you’ll see and feel the difference.

Check out Kiss By Noreno’s hair selection by visiting  kissbynoreno.com and their social media offerings for more information.

BBW Takeover with GNORadio & Plumpprinces

One of the most unique aspects of women’s confidence today is in the world of BBW. Big women and men that love them is a topic of discussion that has gone through the adult world, as well as dating world. On the Girls Night Out Radio podcast, Trina Starz andPlumpprincess discuss several aspects of living confidently through being themselves. In the discussion, several tips get highlighted, including standing tall, proud, and just go out there and be true. Perhaps the best advice given through the show, is to not settle. Often time’s women settle for things that they shouldn’t do, and if you lack confidence as a bigger woman, you’re going to end up with the wrong guy.

Interview With Plumpprincess

Up front on Girls Night Out Radio, you hear a full interview with adult model Plumpprincess exploring her start, what she’s up to, and how she brings out a confidence through her work. The enlightening interview reveals a side of the model that you may not have known. It’s a fascinating interview that is not only insightful, but educational. She talks earnestly about BBW, and her defining point about the glorification of bigger women.

Exploring True Confidence

As you listen to the podcast, you will find that the tips will highlight more than just settling, which is going to help all women. You’ll find that the tips are poignant, and relevant for today’s modern woman. Whether it’s doing something to work on yourself, or it’s in regards to how you dress, you’ll find that the podcast explores a breakdown of tips that will help you get out there and be proud of yourself no matter where you are and what you’re doing.

Alongside the interview, and the tips, you’ll also get some unsigned hype tracks that will have you turning up the speakers to all new levels.